суббота, 2 апреля 2011 г.

Daniel Conway

He is digital artist. That's information from the official website:

About Me
Daniel Conway


I can add that he is using Wacom and Photoshop.

For the first time I saw his work, "Her Silent Silhouette" and was impressed by the deep meaning in this artwork after the disaster in Japan. It's illustration of hope in my opinion. And the red umbrella which symbolise Japan flag, shadow on it's fabric.. I love this work.
That's how artist should reflect for everything in the world, highlight actual and important things. Also, it can help in fundraising..

Her Silent Silhouette
His other works

Motoko Close-UP

My Red Tie

Sakura Poster

Also, he is creating amazing concepts

Bell tower peak

The tundra

Waterfall doorway


Layers: Open Communication led by Darren Raven

Working with layers is common practice for visual communicators – unlike
traditional written and spoken language where a message is communicated in a
linear fashion with information broken down into one element at a time, images can
communicate in a much more instantaneous manner. Multiple elements can be
placed next to each other, overlapped, juxtaposed and the illusion of depth
created by the layering of visual forms that evoke, suggest and hint rather than
plainly stating.
In this workshop you will create a series of images that play with visual elements
and layering and allow the viewer space to create their own thoughts and ideas.

Last day at the Uni, last workshop.. Hot inside, sunny outside.. )
It was nice, Darren show us one more fast and effective way of producing good images. As the last exercise - we where asked to produce a book cover using included teamplate with body text,title and barcode. So, I designed background.

I really like the effect when two different dotted images laying out each other. Also it's repetition, which creates visual rhytm. I had not a lot of time, but quite like the result.


Emphasis: Typography led by Jo Spencer

Using typography you will be developing the use of emphasis within a London
poem or song, which will be provided. You will be exploring the use space,
size and weight within a set shape.
Using various combinations you will create a number of visual representations
each with a different meaning. Bring a camera with you to record your work in

I like the poem "LDN" by Lilly Allen.

Also, decided not to change chosen typeface and part of the poem, trying to play around with one set of type.

Check it out


Work progress


Paperwork @_@
1 I really like the idea behind this part of the poem : 
"When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies"

I thought that it nice to repeat each line with the smaller font, as the reference for "look twice"




Random letters


And also, check, how picture is changing visually at the stucked advertisment banner, in dependence of the aim of view.

Soldier face.

NatWest - You Are in the Army Now


пятница, 1 апреля 2011 г.

Kobi Levi

Hey, fashion lover's, check out this shoes!
You will love it)

"Graduated from Bezalel academy of art & design, Jerusalem 2001. Specialize in footwear design and development/making. Working as a freelance designer. Collaborating with both Israeli and international companies in the past and present years and working on his men shoe line in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Designed industrial footwear in both Italy, China and Brazil. Presented design in various exhibitions in Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, Tokyo, Verona, St.Etienne, Berlin etc'… " In my artistic footwear design the shoe is my canvas. The trigger to create a new piece comes when an idea, a concept and/or an image comes to mind. The combination of the image and footwear creates a new hybrid and the design/concept comes to life. The piece is a wearable sculpture. It is "alive" with/out the foot/body. Most of the inspirations are out of the "shoe-world", and give the footwear an extreme transformation. The result is usually humoristic with a unique point of view about footwear. Another aspect of the creation is the realization. All the pieces are hand-made in my studio. The challenging technical development is the key to bring the design to life in the best way."

Hah, shoes for real business-woman! "I'm stepping on the heads")


If you thinking about to have a secret pocket to keep something inside - that's your choice)

Funny things going around the playground

The dog's pose is really the same shape as the foot on the hill.

I wish it is possible to deconstruct this shoes while you girlfriend trying to wear them and have some fun, shooting around :)

It's quite ironic :D 

This is my favorite, really like the idea and resullt! :)