суббота, 2 апреля 2011 г.


Emphasis: Typography led by Jo Spencer

Using typography you will be developing the use of emphasis within a London
poem or song, which will be provided. You will be exploring the use space,
size and weight within a set shape.
Using various combinations you will create a number of visual representations
each with a different meaning. Bring a camera with you to record your work in

I like the poem "LDN" by Lilly Allen.

Also, decided not to change chosen typeface and part of the poem, trying to play around with one set of type.

Check it out


Work progress


Paperwork @_@
1 I really like the idea behind this part of the poem : 
"When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies"

I thought that it nice to repeat each line with the smaller font, as the reference for "look twice"




Random letters


And also, check, how picture is changing visually at the stucked advertisment banner, in dependence of the aim of view.

Soldier face.

NatWest - You Are in the Army Now


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